Our Students

Our students come from across the globe to Penn to develop and advance their public health knowledge, broaden their training and skillset, and pursue their passions to best prepare them for the next step of their journey. Whether straight from their undergraduate degree program or returning to academia after 30+ years in the workforce, our MPH students have decided the flexibility and interdisciplinary nature of the Penn MPH Program is the key to their next career move. Our students’ varied personal, academic, and experiential backgrounds enrich the classroom, bringing in a wealth of lived experiences and perspectives.

Student Involvement

Penn MPH students are heavily involved within the program, around Penn, and across the city of Philadelphia and surrounding communities. There are many opportunities during students’ time in the program to engage in meaningful ways, from joining one of several MPH student groups to connecting with our tight-knit alumni base to joining committees, clubs, or organizations across Penn.

Current Student Demographics

  • 78%Female
  • 19%Male
  • 3%Gender Non-conforming

During my MPH, I have loved talking to, and learning from, my fellow classmates, who had such a diverse set of expertise and truly enriched my experience!

MPH Graduate

Class of 2022

Choosing a Track

  • 75%Generalist Track
  • 16%Global Health Track
  • 7%One Health Track
  • 2%Epidemiology Track

As a submatriculant in the MPH program, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity of being a part of the Penn community for nearly six years. However, it wasn’t until I became an MPH student that I saw how much our program specifically does for the Penn community and the greater Philadelphia community at large. Being a student in the MPH program has armed me with the necessary tools to help speak on and begin solving the numerous public health issues currently faced by many people in our country and all around the world.

Lonard Encarnacion

MPH Student, Submatriculant

Degree Progression

  • 56%Full-Time Students
  • 44%Part-Time Students