Dominique Ruggieri, Ph.D.

Faculty Member
I absolutely adore the students, faculty, and staff in the MPH program, so what could be better than to enter my 10th year with the MPH program in an even greater capacity to support them all? Over the last 10 years, I’ve enjoyed serving as the Capstone Director for the MPH program, and the Course Director for three courses (Capstone 1, Capstone 2, and Public Health Theories & Frameworks). I look forward to continuing to engage with students and faculty in all of these roles! My background in health communication, qualitative methods, public health research, and public health consulting serve me well in supporting these endeavors.
Additionally, I am very excited to take on the new role of Associate Director of Teaching Support and Innovation for the MPH program. After 21 years of university teaching and ongoing training in best practices for pedagogy, I can say for certain that public health education and mentoring is my professional calling and passion! With this new role, I’ll support MPH faculty by promoting quality improvement and advancement of teaching practices. I’ll be focusing efforts on the current and trending directions for higher education and MPH students. MPH faculty can come to me for support in the form of classroom observations and class material reviews to help them with fresh ideas for teaching and learning, and can expect communication from me to inspire and inform them about trends in public health education.

Faculty Spotlight

Patty Skuster, JD, MPP

Faculty Member

I’m thrilled to join the MPH program—an exciting transition as I spent the bulk of my career in the non-profit sector working in global reproductive rights. I’ve taught for many years in the MPH program and love being in the classroom with our incredible students, so I leapt at the chance to spend more time teaching here.

In my new position as Associate Director I’ll teach public health law and ethics and elective courses—such as Global Reproductive Law and Policy, which was offered last spring. My additional role is ensuring the program is up to date with accreditation standards, which will give me an opportunity to learn in-depth about all aspects of the program. I also plan to continue to build my interdisciplinary research, which explores how abortion law operates to affect health outcomes across the globe. Most of all I look forward to connecting with students through capstone projects, collaborations across the university, research opportunities, and in the classroom.

Faculty Spotlight

Nekia Rosado, MPH

Team Member

Sisters in Public Health in my viewpoint is a community for women that work in public health that started in Houston, TX. It’s for sisterhood and mentorship. Becoming a Lifetime Member of this organization means having a sisterhood to share space with women that are like minded. Growing up and going through undergrad I didn’t have spaces where others shared interests with me. Being in this organization makes me feel like I belong, and I can be in a space with women where I feel understood.

My public health focus is nutrition. In college, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do and a friend led me to public health. My focus in the field then became nutrition. In the next year, or sometime in the future, I would like to be involved with ongoing nutrition projects, more so focused on nutrition & policy. I want to be involved in healthy food access and food policy work. In my current position as Fieldwork Coordinator, it is community engagement adjacent, but I really would like an ongoing project. There’s a huge network in the Sisters in Public Health organization, and I believe working closely with the Philadelphia chapter can help me reach goals I have in public health. I plan to lean on the networking and professional development of it all. That’s what I like best about being a member, the networking and opportunity to build friendships.

If people are interested in getting involved with Sisters in Public Health, they should definitely check out their website and LinkedIn. There’s different areas to be involved in, take a look to see what resonates with you!

Staff Spotlight

Tolulope Oyetunde, MS, MPH

Faculty Member

I currently teach Methods of Public Health Practice, lead the Foundation of Global Health 5190 204 section, and serve as the course director for Penn Social Society and the Community. My journey in public health began in 2014, and I’m passionate about incorporating real-life experiences into my teaching. This approach enables me to reflect on my work and identify improvement areas. Additionally, I derive great satisfaction from mentoring students. One of my favorite moments is when students have those “aha moments” in class!

Looking ahead, I aspire to teach Public Health Management and Leadership, aiming to breathe new life into the course. Additionally, with my background in global health research, I’m eager to offer an Ethics and Global Health course. The course would bridge the gap between research in public health and practical work in a global context.

A unique aspect of my research is its focus on radiology in a public health context. I’m dedicated to making screening and imaging more accessible, especially in low-income countries like Nigeria, where functional machines are scarce. Currently, I’m working on a literature review to assess the extent of research in Africa related to oncology care. I plan to use this information to apply for grants and conduct studies that can lead to long-term policy changes and funding opportunities. I oversee research efforts as the Research Program Manager at the Center for Global and Population Health Research in Radiology.

As an alum of this program, being a faculty member is surreal. I wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told me during my first year that I would be teaching! I want students to understand the importance of sowing seeds for their future. During my student years, I built a strong foundation, sought mentors, and cultivated relationships, ultimately nurturing my teaching abilities. I’ve transformed from a nervous first-semester student to someone who now teaches classes. As an instructor, I’m excited to address public health issues I wished were tackled as a student. My teaching philosophy involves empowering the next generation to critically examine ways to break systems of oppression and build toward a truly equitable world.

I teach Methods of Public Health Practice, emphasizing soft skills because interpersonal skills and relationships are crucial in public health. I’ve realized that practicing soft skills is essential within the classroom, especially during group projects. These experiences help students understand the dynamics of working in groups and the importance of these skills. Networking is not limited to those at the top; it involves connecting with peers who will go on to do remarkable things. I advise students to maximize their time in the program, prioritize their goals, and represent themselves professionally. Your investment in this program will determine what you gain from it. Finally, if I could suggest improvements to the program, I would advocate for more diversity among faculty and guest speakers who share their practical public health experiences. It’s inspiring for students to see someone who reflects their background as a teacher, which motivates me to continue doing what I do.

Faculty Spotlight