Ricardo Castillo, PhD, DVM, MSPH
Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Informatics, University of Pennsylvania

Courses Taught
PUBH 5020 Intro to Epidemiology
Ask Me About
Birdwatching, Soccer, & Listening to music
Brief Bio
I earned my DVM in 2007. I researched zoonotic diseases in various parts of Peru, followed by doctoral studies in epidemiology and a Master’s in international health at Johns Hopkins University. I joined Penn Medicine in 2017 where I am currently an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology. My research focuses on urban infectious diseases and vaccine disparities. I am the scientific director of the Zoonotic Disease Research Laboratory, a collaborative center with 40+ staff, where I conduct community trials for animal vaccine access against zoonotic diseases.
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rabies reemergence in Latin America: The case of Arequipa, Peru
- Modeling the impact of xenointoxication in dogs to halt Trypanosoma cruzi transmission
- Association between seroprevalence of measles virus in monkeys and degree of human-monkey contact in Bangladesh
- Recommendations for Empowering Partners to Conduct Implementation Research in Latin America to Advance Global Health